Bulgarian garment and jewellery ХI-XII c.
Here is a summarized reconstruction of a costume and jewellery from Western (Samuel`s) Bulgaria.
"... Such are the daughters of the Paionians, And even so they remain today in the total conquest which the most powerful Basileios the Great imposed upon the entire race of the Paionians. For still those women around their own buttocks wear broad girdles, tattered, many- tasseled. They adorn their arms likewise, with bracelets of iron, bronze, and glass. Sometimes even with small knuckle- bones, and other such things in the form of bracelets; they wear scarves that they tie around their arms" John Tzetzes (1110 - 1180)
"... a female individual aged 21-23 years, with a slender build and a height of about 1.65 m ... On the right hand were found 2 rings and 7 bracelets, all of bronze ... on the left - 12 bracelets made of glass paste, of which at least one was certainly worn above the elbow ... a pair of silver temple rings were found in the ear region ... while on the chest was found the lower part of a silver temple ring ... two bronze ring earrings ... a piece of pendant (under the skull) ... 1166 glass paste beads and 4 bronze; 11 mussel shells and 3 snails ... a bronze pendant ... two pieces of curved iron wire, part of the mechanism for fastening the massive necklace ... Appliques with round and square bases of glass paste were found on the skull" Grave 42 from Pepelishte is dated to the first half of the 11th century. t;
(Манева, Е. Гробот 42 од Пепелиште. – Годишен зборник на Филозофски факултет – Скопје, 26 (52), 1999, 174, 182, превод мой)